Harold Vincent “Dutch” Schoultz
03/02/1928 – 04/08/2022
Over 3,700 Satisfied Customers in all 50 States and 23 Countries Around the World Since 1983
Now available in print.
Due to customer feedback and requests, Black Powder Rifle Accuracy is in print and for sale, for those who want a physical copy.
What do several members of the United States and New Zealand International Muzzleloading Rifle Teams have in common with hundreds of black powder rifle shooters?

They have used the Dutch Schoultz Black Powder Rifle Accuracy System to successfully improve their shooting scores. Accuracy of any muzzleloading black powder rifle, percussion or flintlock, can be improved with this system.
The System
The complete system consists three sets of instructions covering the components that will combine to improve accuracy.

- Black Powder Rifle Accuracy – This component explains how to become consistent for each shot, which is vital to tight shot groups.
- Black Powder Target Analysis – 26 targets showing different shot groups demonstrating the effects of errors and gives the remedies for each group.
- Dutch’s “Dry” Patch Lubrication System – Instructions for obtaining consistent lubrication for each shot and how to find the ideal blend for your rifle.
Plus: - Dutch’s “Afghani Arms Company” Trade Secrets – Instructions for making a wiping/loading rod, bullet starter, and jag out of inexpensive materials, which you may already have around the house/garage.
30 day money back guarantee. In over 25 years no one has asked for a refund. And only 3 have ever asked since the system has been out. And we will keep a copy of your order so if you lose your copy we will resend it.