With the Lyman rear aperture sight your eye automatically centers as it seeks the most light. The front globe sight comes with a number of insert displaying posts or rings. There is one ring, that at 50 yards, is the exact same size as a black 3 inch target. If your sight picture shows only black …
Author Archives: dutch914
A Recommendation
I am having The Killer Angels read to me, which will be the I don’t know how many times I have exposed myself to the words of the late Michael Shaara. But I think it is the very best rendition of the Battle of Gettysburg ever put on paper.I have to warn you that it is …
Getting To Know You
Getting to know all about you, as the old song said.When you first get your rifle, a great elongated barrel, heavyawkwardness, particularly so to us under ten footers. As you work up your first loads it becomes more comfortable to handle. It’s probably that your muscles are adjusting to its ungainly structure. After hunting season …
Simple Ideas From Complex Observations
We all know why the big rig trucks have so many wheels. You don’t? It is to spread their great weight on to so many pressure points that none of them would be destructive to either the road surface or the truck itself.Folks walking by my shooting bench might wonder why I have a somewhat …
Buying a Preowned Rifle
This is mostly intended for folks not on the ML Forum.I doubt many riflemen would happily sell a deadly accurate rifle.Reasons for selling a rifle:Have a more accurate rifleCannot get accuracy out of this rifleReasons for no Accuracy:Ignorance of any idea what is required to produce any good performanceBarrel ruined because of ignoranceBarrel ruined by …
Blowing Down the Barrel
This is the great controversy. I doubt it will ever be settled. The idea I have been insistently told. is to supply enough oxygen down to the breech area to hasten the burning up of glowing residue left in the breech. This precaution is taken to prevent a major explosion when the next powder charge …
This Has Long Puzzled Me
Some of the allegedly very best muzzleloading riflemen do not pour their powder charges down the barrel where some of the powder might not fall all the way to the breech, but due to static electricity, might adhere to the barrel side not all the way down. To avoid this problem, they insert a long tube …
Rust Schmutz Logic and Other Thoughts
In the 18th century and the early days of the 19th, the seagoing war ships had a problem of what appeared to be a perfectly fine cannon that would with a normal load blow up, destroying the gun and a few bystanders who loaded it correctly. The problem was caused by some water getting into the metal …
For Those Who Won’t Live Forever
Quite a few of us will live forever because of the makeup of our genes which include a small touch of West Canadian husky. But this is intended for the less fortunate whose days are numbered and in the process of running out. When I was still in grade school, Bob Patterson, a classmate, secured …
Don’t Get Your Knickers In A Twist
Which is what the Brits used to say when advancing an idea contrary to the popular ideas at the time. But women can and often are better shots than men. A gentleman of one of the Carolinas first tipped me off to this when he told me he had a muzzleloading rifle that was so …